Monday, July 20, 2009

How Do You Know If You Are in Need of Eye Surgery?

By John Harry Black
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder- yes; your eyes are a vital pair of sensory organs that the above statement partially describes their purpose.

Eyes are highly sensitive organs that demand a lot of care and attention and it does not require to be told the importance of this visual asset. Of course, individuals cannot determine the requirement of eye surgery, it is the job of an ophthalmologist who are skilled professionals having the license to carry out a surgical procedure on your eyes based on the diagnosis.

When do you need eye surgery?

Eye-surgery has different terminologies such as orogolomistician aka ocular surgery is rather a very complex procedure that requires professional acumen. The most common eye_surgery is the cataract, which is carried out normally on aging people due to the crystalline lens getting cloudy and barring the light to create a clear picture on the retina. Based on the severity of the situation the ophthalmologist will be able to guide you with the suitable surgical procedure. Glaucoma is another medical condition that damages the optic nerve and might result in visual loss but the different glaucoma eye-surgeries can certainly help you to combat the disease.

Then you also have the refractive surgery that will correct the refractory errors in the eye to avoid the use of lenses. The other common kind of eye surgery is Eye muscle surgery that basically alters the strabismus and involves many more corrective measures. Eye-surgery is also performed on repair fractures due to injury, to remove tumours and even as a facelift measure that solely depends on the ophthalmologist to decide the kind of surgery you need based on the problem.

Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik eye-surgery is the gift of science to mankind, as it is efficient in rectifying vision. People with conditions of astigmatism and myopia are largely opting for laser eye - surgery, which has high percentage of positive results and the nature of the surgery itself is simple and painless that draws so much popularity. Lasik is the laser eye_surgery that involves least complicated procedure, which removes the corneal tissue accurately and reshapes the cornea to gain more power while focusing. The Laser eye surgery has broken the conventional barriers of using glasses or lenses as vision corrective measures.

Precautions before eye Surgery

Before going for eye-surgery it is necessary for individuals to disclose to the doctor if they have any infections or allergies so that the existing conditions can be treated first to avoid further complications. Even your physical conditions also play a major role so it is safe to bring to the notice of your ophthalmologist before the eye_surgery so that he can take a suitable decision.

For more information on laser eye surgery and how lasik eye surgery could work for you check the site

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Eye Care After Cataract Surgery and Lens Implants

By Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson
Level: Platinum

Harriet Hodgson has been an Independent Journalist for 30 years. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Association of ... ...
Cataract surgery -- the most performed surgery in the world -- has improved markedly. This surgery has a success rate of more than 97 percent. Still, you need to take good care of your eye or eyes after surgery. The first step is putting in eye drops to prevent infection and control eye pressure.

Your eye or eyes will react to the surgery in several ways. You may have a stinging sensation, an itching sensation, a gritty feeling (your eye feels like there is sand in it), sensitivity to sunlight and bright lights. A Mayo Clinic website article, "Cataract Surgery: What You Can Expect," describes surgery and aftercare. Do not rub your eye or press on it, warns Mayo. You may have a discharge in the corners of your eyes. To remove the discharge wipe your eye gently with a warm wash cloth. Hold the cloth over your eye gently and do not make any pointing motions.

The Cataract Surgery website, in the article "Life After Cataracts: Cataract Surgery Recover Basics," tells patients to take prescribed medicine exactly as the doctor recommended. You can take showers after cataract surgery, the site notes, but keep your eye closed. I had cataract surgery on both eyes and lens implanted in both eyes. When I showered I kept a dry towel close at hand in case I got water or soap in my eyes.

Though my recovery was normal, I had a problem with dry eyes. I have acne rosacea and dry, gritty eyes are a symptom of it. This dryness, combined with the natural itching after cataract surgery, was bothersome, so I used artificial tears several times a day. My eye doctor approved the use of artificial tears, but said I should never use the type that gets the red out.

I also had an odd experience after my second cataract surgery and lens implant. One day, when I was in a hurry, I yanked a t-shirt over my head. I did not know the neck of the t-shit had shrunk, and it scraped against my eyes as I pulled it over my head. Thankfully, my eyes were not hurt. Though I still wear the t-shirt, I stretch the neck a bit before putting it on.

Have you heard of defensive driving? Well, you need to practice defensive living after cataract surgery and a lens implant. Guard your eyes at all times. I found this out after my husband turned over in his sleep, swung his arm over, and barely missed my eye.

Before the surgery I wore prescription sunglasses. Now I do not need them and bought a pair of over-the-counter sunglasses for every day wear. However, I have prescription eye glasses for reading. You can help your eye doctor get the best outcome from cataract surgery and a lens implant by practicing defensive living, using artificial tears if approved, taking your prescribed medicine, and putting in eye drops on schedule.

Today, I have 20/20 in both eyes and the world is a colorful place again. "Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful," Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "for beauty is God's handwriting." God's handwriting has never looked more beautiful.

Copyright 2009 by Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 30 years. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Association of Health Care Journalists, and the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from Amazon.

Centering Corporation in Omaha, Nebraska has published her 26th book, "Writing to Recover: The Journey from Loss and Grief to a New Life." The company has also published a companion resource, the "Writing to Recover Journal," which contains 100 writing prompts.

Please visit Harriet's website and learn more about this busy author and grandmother.

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