Saturday, November 14, 2009

Learn to Fix Poor Eyesight

By Osita Modozie Platinum Quality Author

As your eyesight has a tendency to deteriorate as you get older, you are not supposed to relax and allow it to wither away without making any effort to improve it. You should not hope for wonders, but frequent performance of targeted eye exercises can aid to fix your poor eyesight. The inclusion of life-styles which consists of too much periods of gazing at the pc monitors, taking care of your eyes will always be essential.

Eyes and Senescent
The more you get older, there is a possibility that your eyes will slump in a lot of works in a natural way. For instance, you will encounter a normal age-linked decline in your power to identify colorings, evaluate a distant region, and deal with glare and focal point. It happens at the time ones eyes recedes its general flexibleness, getting less capable to bring in and distinguish within numerous optical stimulants.

Eyes exercises
Every person's eyes have muscles which need to be worked out just as the way other parts of your system are done. Eye exercises are an effort to tap the flexibility of the human body to enable you preserve better eyesight for as much as is obtainable. It's believed that you can enhance your poor vision to an extent by indulging in frequent exercising of your eyes.

An easy to do exercise which you can apply to enhance your poor eyesight is referred to as the far and near focus. Just like its name entails, in order to carry out this workout you need to substitute your eyesight quickly within an item which is near to you and the type which is like 10 to 40 feet aside. It will aid to eradicate most of the stress encountered when you gaze at a rigid expanse, like a pc screen for a reasonable length of the day.

The next type of eye exercises which you can do to fix your poor eyesight is referred to as zooming. To do it you need to stay in a bench and bring your pollex upward to your olfactory organ, which is your nose. You should try to concentrate on that aspect. As you maintain your concentration, shift your arm gently to its whole duration and take it back in a gentle manner to the direction of your nose once more. It will make your eyes to maintain its concentration, firmly, on something by some form of profundities.

Vision without Glasses
Vision without glasses is an online program which is run by an expert on eyes related issues. It contains natural methods which you can apply to your eyes to change your eyesight from a poor one to a rich one. See more about it that vision without glasses review

Vision without glasses will provide you with the easy to follow techniques which experts recommend for fixing poor eyesight. See it at

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

How to Care For Your Vision Part One - Macular Degeneration

By Mark Rosenberg, M.D. Platinum Quality Author

An aging friend of mine had recently developed macular degeneration and had asked me if there were any recommendations I could make to help save his eyesight. Besides having him see his eye doctor, I suggested a few natural methods but I knew he had waited too long to stop this ongoing disease. Now at 75 regardless of his great physical shape, he lost his ability to read, to play golf, and to do many of the activities he enjoyed.

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in the U.S. in people over 55. Most people, like my friend, are unaware that this eye disease can usually be prevented. Even if you've already got it, there's a good possibility of reversing it, or of halting its progression.

Like many diseases, macular degeneration is the result of unstable oxygen atoms, called free radicals. When they enter your body, they damage your cells-mainly the ones found in the macula of your eyes.

There are actually two forms of macular degeneration. In the dry form (the most common form), the macula develops yellow deposits, or spots, called drusen. At first, it causes dull vision. In the later stages, you begin to lose central vision. Although it is the less severe of the two forms, the dry form sometimes develops into the wet form.

The wet form of macular degeneration leads to loss of vision much more quickly. When blood vessels begin to leak blood and fluid into the retina, scar tissue forms and affects your eyesight. You begin to see wavy lines and blind spots, and you begin to lose the center of your vision, seeing only out of the corners of your eyes.

So how can you prevent this disease in the first place?

First, begin having regular eye exams by an ophthalmologist at age 50. The doctor can detect early stages of macular degeneration, even before you have symptoms.

Second, eat the right foods. The key to both prevention and reversal seems to be a pair of nutrients in the vitamin A (carotenoid) family- lutein and zeaxanthin, both found in leafy green vegetables. If you can eat five servings a week of foods such as kale, spinach or collard greens, you'll get enough of these nutrients.
Since most people have a difficult time eating that much, however, you'll probably need a supplement. I advise all my patients who are over 50 to take a supplement that contains lutein and zeaxanthin. Many scientific studies have provided evidence that these nutrients prevent macular degeneration.

The chart below shows foods with high lutein and zeaxanthin content. The column on the right shows amounts of both nutrients combined, in a 3 ½ ounce serving of each food.

Food Amount of Lutein and Zeaxanthin (mcg)

Kale ________21,900
Spinach (cooked)________12,600
Spinach (raw) _________10,200
Mustard Greens_____ 9,900
Broccoli (cooked)______1,900
Leaf Lettuce_______1,800

*From Blended Medicine, The Best Choices in Healing by Michael Castleman

Other carotenoids (from the vitamin A family) can boost your chances of prevention, as well. They are all antioxidants, compounds which protect your cells from free-radical damage. So, in addition to the leafy greens, make sure you also eat plenty of orange-colored foods such as carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes.

Try Herbal Support

Studies have shown that two herbal extracts--bilberry and ginkgo biloba- can help stop or reverse vision loss by improving blood flow to the retina. Bilberries also contain a powerful group of antioxidants called anthocyanosides. You can obtain even more of these free-radical fighters by eating lots of blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. Grapes, plums, raisins and prunes also contain anthocyanosides.

Stop Habits That Harm Your Eyes

• Smoking causes free-radical damage and increases your risk of macular degeneration.

• Researchers have linked high fat diets and high cholesterol to this disease. Switch to a diet focused on whole foods, and avoid processed foods. Increase omega-3's by eating fish and nuts.

• Alcohol can damage the macula, so don't drink.

• Avoid caffeine, which can make the disease worse.

• Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can damage the retina. So don't go outside without wearing sunglasses.

Don't give those free-radicals a chance to steal your eyesight. Your eyesight is too precious to lose! Begin now to protect your eyes from damage. If you've already started developing macular degeneration, don't give up hope. There's a lot you can do.

In my next article, I'll discuss more common problems with the eye, as well as general eye care.

Stay well,

Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
Institute For Healthy Aging

Article Source:,_M.D.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hypermetropia and Laser Eye Surgery

By Matthew J Miller

Hypermetropia is also referred as the long sightedness in which the person is able to see the images at the distance more clearly as compared to the images at the closer view. Scientifically, in this defect the light rays are focused behind the retina that should be correctly formed on the retina. Hypermetropia is caused either by the flattening of the cornea or the shortening of the eyeball. The defect can even be caused due to the combination of both.

The Laser surgery corrects the Hypermetropia by making the cornea of the eye steeper so as the rays of the light get refocused at the back of the eye.

Laser corneal sculpting is the medical procedure to treat Hypermetropia which consists of the use of the laser in order to reshape the surface of eye.

The cornea of the eye is the transparent tissue which covers the front of eye and helps in controlling the focus. In the laser surgery, a computer-controlled laser is utilized for removing the microscopic amounts of the tissue from the front surface of the eye called the cornea.

In the operation called photorefractive keratectomy, a thin outer layer from the cornea that is called the corneal epithelium is removed and then the underlying layers are reshaped.

In LASIK laser surgery, a thin flap of the corneal tissue is made with a fine instrument called a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. After that the flap is lifted out and the underlying tissue is reshaped and then the flap is replaced so as to cover the new recontoured surface.

Hypermetropia is not the disease but only a defect in the eye that is needed to be treated by surgery only in cases if the person can not wear eye glasses or the contact lenses. The person should be of minimum age of 20 to consider the laser surgery. The refractive error should be stable. The people suffering from diabetes, the uncontrolled rheumatic conditions or the diseases of immune system should avoid the surgery. The people with abnormally shaped cornea or very thin cornea should also avoid it.

The laser does not burn the tissue instead vaporizes the small amounts of cornea in each shot. The diameter of laser beam as well as the number of pulses is directed are controlled by the computer technology.

After the surgery the person can the eyes dried or even may get an infection that is to be treated with the antibiotics.

Matthew J Miller is the administrator of '', a Denver Lasik informational website. Denver Lasik Doctors provides a way for local surgeons to prove their expertise to potential clients. Local Denver, Colorado doctors provide valuable free information to potential Lasik eye surgery patients.

Article Source:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Facts About Pigmentary Glaucoma

By Jenny Styles Platinum Quality Author
Glaucoma consists of several types of disorders of the eye, pigmentary glaucoma being one type which, fortunately, is rather rare. The primary symptom of glaucoma in the eye is the buildup of internal eye pressure, or intraocular pressure (IOP). This buildup, if untreated, can eventually damage the optic nerve and in a worst case scenario, result in blindness.
The interior of the eye is filled with a fluid, aqueous humor. The eye is constructed to allow occasional draining or discharge of some of this fluid to prevent the internal pressure of the eye from becoming too great. When glaucoma is present, the drainage mechanism has been interrupted, leading to increasing pressure. This normally occurs without causing pain or other noticeable symptoms, and often is not detected until significant damage to the eye has already been done.
Pigmentary glaucoma occurs as the result of a condition known as the pigment dispersion syndrome. Pigment granules are normally attached to the back of the iris. These granules can sometimes flake off into the aqueous humor, and eventually find their way to the interior eye drainage canals where, over a period of time, the granules will begin to block the canals. Once that happens, the pressure on the interior of the eye will begin to increase. At the point where this pressure begins to cause damage to the optic nerve, the pigment dispersion syndrome has developed into pigmentary glaucoma.
This rare disease occurs in men more so than women, and tends to strike men in their twenties and thirties. In addition, myopic (nearsighted) people seem to be at a slightly higher risk of contracting pigmentary glaucoma than for those having normal vision or are farsighted. Sometimes, the first, and only, signs that the condition is present, comes during or immediately following exercise, such as jumping or jogging, where vision may become temporarily blurred. More often than not though, noticeable symptoms do not occur.
Pigmentary glaucoma is treatable when not too far advanced. Treatment is designed to prevent a further flaking off of the pigment granules, and usually is in the form of eye drops, Optipranlol and Xalatan being two medications commonly prescribed. In addition there is a class of drugs called miotics, which sometimes are called into play. Most of these treatments cause no significant side effects, though incidences of blurred vision sometimes occur which may restrict their use. In recent years, laser surgery has been employed to open the drainage canals and relieve the pressure. Another laser-based treatment is to create a small hole in the iris. This results in the iris moving slightly away from the lens, lessening the chance of pigment dispersion which occurs when lens fibers scrape against the iris.
Other types of glaucoma generally strike in later years, although myopic individuals are still slightly more at risk, and tend to get the disease earlier in life. No matter what one's age is, glaucoma of any type is a threat to one's vision and any problems associated with vision should be promptly looked into.
Learn about tingling tongue, carbs in carrots and other information at the Health And Nutrition Tips site.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Intra Ocular Pressure

“Glaucoma” is a dangerous illness which damages the optic nerve, it is because the “intraocular pressure” (IOP) is higher than the retinal ganglion cells can compromise (tolerate). This will result in the death of the ganglion cells and their axons, which is including the optic nerve. As a result of this there will be less visual impulses that can reach the brain.

In an advanced glaucoma, the visual field in the peripheral retina is decreased or lost, leaving only the vision in the central retina (macular area) which is still intact. It is called the “tunnel vision.” The increase in eye pressure occurs when too much aqueous fluid enters the eye and/but not enough of the aqueous fluid is leaving the eye. Eye pressure can be measured using “tonometry” test.

Normally, fluid enters the eye by seeping out of the blood vessels, it occurs in the ciliary body. This fluid if flowing way past the crystalline lens, through the pupil (the central opening in the iris), into the irido-corneal angle, the anatomical angle formed where the iris and the cornea come together. And the fluid passes through the trabecular meshwork in the angle and leaves the eye, via the canal of Schlemm.

If the rate of aqueous fluid entering the eye is too much, or if the trabecular meshwork “drain” gets clogged (for example, with debris or cells) that the fluid is not able to leave the eye quickly enough, the pressure is increasing in what is known as “open angle glaucoma.” It usually occurs naturally with the increasing age.

Open angle glaucoma, which is a chronic and painless condition. It can happen when the posterior portion of the iris, surrounding the pupil, adheres to the anterior surface of the lens (creating a “pupillary block”). This could deter/prevent intraocular fluid from passing through the pupil into the anterior chamber.

However, if the angle between an iris and the cornea is too narrow, or is even closed, then the fluid backs up because it cannot flow out of the eye correctly/normally. This will increase the intraocular pressure which is known as “closed angle glaucoma.” Usually, there is an acute, and sudden painful onset. It might be accompanied by the appearance of rainbow-colored rings around the white lights.

An internal pressure which is more than what the eye can tolerate can deform the lamina cribrosa, the small cartilaginous section of the sclera in the back of the eye through which the optic nerve passes. A deformed lamina cribrosa seems to “pinch” nerve fibers passing though it, it will finally causes axon death. Untreated glaucoma will result in optic atrophy and blindness.

Eye pressure is measured using a “tonometer” (and the test is called “tonometry”), and the standard tonometer generally is considered to be the “Goldmann tonometer.” The normal range of intraocular pressure (IOP) is 10 mm Hg to 21 mm Hg, with an average of about 16 mm Hg. Typically, eyes with intraocular pressure measurements of 21 mm Hg or higher, using a Goldmann tonometer, are considered to be “ocular hypertensive” and it is a possibility of glaucoma.

Although glaucoma is associated with the increase of IOP, the amount of pressure which is causing glaucoma varies from person to person and eye to eye. Many people with glaucoma actually have IOP’s in the normal range (“low tension” glaucoma), and it indicates that their lamina cribrosas are too weak to withstand even the normal amount of pressure. Conversely, some people with IOP’s which is considered to be high have actually no evidence of glaucomatous damage whatsoever.

Glaucomatous changes in the optic disk (optic nerve head) usually can be detected in the long run (over time). If the optic cup within the optic disk increases in size over a period of months or years, if notching is observed anywhere around the nerve head rim, and/or if an asymmetry is observed between the optic cups of the two eyes, then that person can be seen as a “glaucoma suspect.” In glaucoma, optic nerve rim atrophy and/or notching, with a corresponding visual field decrease, usually will occur.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Laser Eye Surgery Problems - What Are the Risks Involved?

By Jack Worthing Platinum Quality Author
There are many people who think that laser eye surgery is the be all and end all when it comes to solving vision problems. What many people do not know is that many laser eye surgery problems exist and if you are planning to undergo laser treatment for your eyes soon, then you must know the possible laser eye surgery problems that can happen as a result of undergoing this very popular procedure.
Some people think that laser surgery is completely safe, as being promoted by its supporters. It is time that people become aware of the risk involved in this form of treatment so if they ever try it they know what they are getting themselves into.
Below are some of the common laser eye surgery problems that individuals have encountered in the past.
Dry Eyes
This is probably the most common side effect of laser surgery. As the name suggest, having dry eyes means the inability of the eyes to keep themselves moist. This results in irritation and even pain.
The common mode of treatment is to provide external lubrication and moisture to the eyes. Though not really serious, this condition can cause severe discomfort to individuals.
Oversensitivity to Light
Some people who have undergone eye surgery have experienced oversensitivity to light. Suffering from this condition means having difficulties seeing under broad daylight or when exposed to powerful light sources. Driving during the day becomes incredibly difficult for people suffering from oversensitivity to light.
Complete and Irreversible Blindness
The worst thing that can happen to people who will undergo surgery is to completely lose their vision. Laser is a very powerful tool...when used incorrectly, it can cause severe damage to the eyes.
If you're sick and tired of having to use glasses or contact lenses and can't afford the risk and expense of laser eye surgery, then you'd benefit from a natural way to improve eyesight. Take a look at this simple and easy to use guide that has been used successfully for years to treat eyesight problems naturally ==> How To Improve Eyesight

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Glaucoma is the eye diseases that affect the optic nerve. There are three types, but the symptoms are similar.

The first symptom is a loss of peripheral vision. Left untreated, this condition can worsen, and lead to complete blindness. Other symptoms is severe eye pain, rainbow vision, blurred vision, headaches and nausea. If you are experiencing one of these, it is important to have a thorough eye exam preformed by an experienced optometrist.

The most common type of glaucoma is open-angle glaucoma, eyesight is lost very slowly over a long period of time. Often unnoticed due to its slow nature, open-angle glaucoma becomes a real threat. Less common is closed-angle glaucoma, in which the iris and lens of the eye prevent fluid movement between the layers. Congenital glaucoma, the rarest form, is developed in the womb. All three types of glaucoma are treatable if caught in time, but damage that has been done to the optic nerve cannot be reversed.

Further damage to the optic nerve can be prevented using various treatments. Pills, eye drops, and laser surgery options exist that can reduce or prevent future damage from occurring to the optical nerve. But care and cautious attitude towards the side effect of these procedures and treatments are also important. In addition, glasses, contact lenses, and even some surgeries can help restore your vision to its natural way of seeing things.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of glaucoma, please go and visit your experienced eye doctors at the Eye Clinic right away.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The 2 Best Eye Exercises - Improve Vision and Correct Vision Defects Naturally

By Samantha Land Platinum Quality Author
Our eyes allow us to visualize and process images in our brain. This is why eye care is so important, but sometimes we forget how valuable our eyes are. We put a lot of stress and strain on our eyes which causes them to go bad.
When they do go bad many people turn to eye glasses, contact lenses, or even surgery to improve their vision. However some people don't like wearing glasses, some people consider contact lenses to be too uncomfortable, and others are too scared to even think of trying eye surgery.
Thankfully, a number of eye exercises have been developed over the years and they have helped a number of people to improve their vision naturally. Not only do eye exercises help you develop a better vision, but they can also help you correct vision defects as well.
One of these eye exercises you can start performing to improve your vision will only take about 3 minutes of your time. First you need to get in a comfortable position and it doesn't matter if you stand or sit. Now position your thumb about 10 inches from your face and focus on it. Now switch your focus on something else about 20 feet in front of you. Every time you take a deep breath you should switch your focus between both your thumb and the object 20 feet in front of you. This eye exercise will make the muscles in your eyes stronger over time and improve your overall vision.
Another well known eye exercise to improve your vision is referred to as palming. To perform this exercise you first need to take a few deep breaths. Now take the cup of your palm and use it to cover your closed eyes. Your fingers should be on your forehead and the heel of your hand should be resting on your cheekbone. You should be applying moderate pressure so your eyes can still blink freely. Palming is designed to relieve the stress around the eyes and relax them.
These eye exercises may not seem like much but they can make a huge difference. The best part about these eye exercises is the fact that they will only take a few minutes to perform them and you can perform them anywhere.
You can easily have the eyesight you desire using these natural techniques. Don't settle for glasses or contact lenses, and don't take a chance on your eyes with expensive and risky eye surgery.
Discover How To Improve Eyesight Naturally using all natural techniques which have been medically proven to improve your eyesight within a few weeks.
If your serious about improving your eyesight permanently and safely => Click Here.

Monday, October 26, 2009

How Daydreaming Improves Your Eyesight

By Katie Chan Platinum Quality Author
There's an interesting group of sea gypsies living off the Burmese archipelago. They live half of their life on ships and therefore often dive into the sea to catch food and even pearls.
What's interesting about these people is that they can dive deep into the sea - as much as 75 feet deep - without any diving equipment. If you know a little something about diving, then you would know that it's "impossible" to dive that deep without equipment.
For one, the amount of water would shift light rays in such a way that it would not land properly onto the retina - which means you wouldn't be able to see at all.
But these sea gypsies were able to see that deep in the ocean. Scientists have always assumed that the expansion of our pupil in the sea is a reflexive reaction - but these sea gypsies contracted their pupils instead of expanded them.
How could that be?
This is but one of the many examples how our brain can adapt our eyes to see what it couldn't before. What has this got to do with you?
Fact is, your brain couldn't tell the difference between reality and daydreaming. The same neurons would fire when you see and when you imagine. Therefore imagination plays a big role in improving your eyesight. All you have to do is imagine yourself being able to see clearly without your glasses and your brain will shift its neuronal links to suit your needs.
If you like this article, you might want to join my "Perfect Vision For Life Newsletter" for free at Rebuild Your Vision - An offer available only to my EzineArticles readers.
For more articles on eye exercises, please visit my blog where I share more information on good vision habits, eye exercises and supplements I used to get rid of my glasses after having worn them for more than 15 years.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How a Cataract Surgery is Done

By Brent McNutt Platinum Quality Author
Cataract is the clouding of the lens of the eyes. It affects vision. A thin lining of cloudy natural lens is removed from the eye because it blocks the passage of light. This is how a cataract surgery is done. Cataract surgery is a harmless procedure. Every year, there are more than 1.6 Americans who undergo this treatment to repair their vision. More than half of the American population have cataract or may have been through a cataract surgery by the age of 80. Some people believe that when one eye has cataract, the other eye will definitely be next. This is a myth. Cataract doesn't spread. It can occur in either or both eyes though.
Before a cataract surgery, a patient will go through an eye examination to determine the correct power of the intraocular lens that the eye needs. It is important for the patient to mention if he is presently under some medication. The doctor will advise whether or not to continue the said medications. There are really some medications which cause problems during a cataract surgery. An example of this medicine is Flomax, which is taken by men with enlarged prostates. The patient is then given an option on what to choose over single vision intraocular lens or presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens. The patient's choice is usually dependent on some factors such as his lifestyle and ability to pay the total cost.
On the day of the surgery itself, there is a list of things to do such skipping breakfast and avoiding intake of liquids. An eye drop to dilate pupils and sedative are given prior to the actual procedure. Topical anesthesia is also given in order for the patient not to feel the pain. After the areas around the eyes were completely cleansed and after a sterile covering is put into place, at least a small cut is done into the eye to enable the surgeon to remove the cloudy lens. There are two methods to remove the cloudy lens. One is through sonically breaking up the cataract then extracted out of the eye. The other one is through mechanically breaking up the cataract into small pieces then removed from the eye through a small incision. After this, a plastic or silicon intraocular lens will replace the natural lens that was taken off the eye.
After the operation, a protective shield is placed on the eye. Then the patient is usually sent home after few minutes in the recovery room. Surgeons advise patients to apply eye drops for a number of times in a day. This goes on for few weeks depending on the surgeon's advice. Just like any other medical procedure, there are dos and don'ts patients are given to ensure effectiveness of the operation.
The price of a cataract surgery is around $3,000, exclusive of health insurance. Fortunately, HMOs, Medicare and other health insurances cover this specific surgery. It is indeed pricey however, the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery reports 98% of the patients believe it is highly recommended since it simply worked for them.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009

3 Simple Ways to Naturally Regain Your Eyesight

By Katie Chan Platinum Quality Author
There are many techniques involved in regaining your eyesight. The sheer amount available techniques, in fact, often overwhelm beginners and drove them to quit instead of giving it a try.
For this reason, I often like to start with simple ones and slowly introduce more advanced eye exercises. For this article, let's start with 3.
Note: I can go into a 10 pages of explanation why each of the methods I'll explain below is good for your eyesight but I know that will bore you. For now, let's focus on the techniques.
  1. Focus. Try to focus onto one thing at a time instead of looking at the everything at one time. This means if you look at a face, look first at the left eye, move to the right eye, then the nose and so on and so forth.
  2. Move your neck. When you focus, that means you have to move your attention. Don't just move your eyes when you do this. Move your neck as you move your eyes.
  3. Sketch. When you focus and move around, it is often easier for you to "sketch" the outline of the things that you see before going into the details.
When you first start practicing sketching, focusing and moving, it is inevitable you'll find it strange and "inefficient". This is because you'll be learning how to do it - remember, when you first start walking, you wobble too. But rest assured that you'll get used to it and you'll then notice a mark improvement in regaining your vision.
Due to space and linking limitations, I can't go into the details of even MORE eye exercises. So I have set-up a website where you can find more information. Visit my website now to find out how you can naturally improve vision.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Throw Out Your Glasses - Natural Way to See Clearly

By Joe Aditya
Throw out your glasses while you are in need of it? Sounds like a mission impossible for those who are fully dependent from a pair of glasses or contact lenses. For years, glasses are well-known as a device to correct the eyesight so we can see clearly However, this kind of thing is not the best solution, especially for those who do not want to be disturbed by sliding down spectacles or heavy frame that cause black spot around the upper nose.
As the medical science improved with new inventories, there are some ways to make people who suffer myopia, amblyopia and other eye problems can see much clearer. One of them is contact lens. Just put the thin membrane like lenses onto the eyes, and voila! a clear as normal eyesight is obtained. However, there is still a weak side of contact lens. You must regularly clean up your lens so it will not harm your eyes from infection. Moreover, you can not do some kind of sports as free as you want, because it will harm your sight for the lenses are getting wet by your sweat.
So, how to throw out your glasses but you can see anything clearly? It's so simple. There is a nice method which is called natural way to see clearly. This method firstly created in 1880 by Dr. William Horatio Bates, a New York ophthalmologist who thought, if broken bones could be healed, why couldn't damaged eyesight? Dr. Bates said that glasses were harmful and never necessary. So he developed a method to make eyesight improved and even better, so people do not use glasses and contact lenses, or even do an expensive lasik surgery just to obtain the better eyesight. It's not instantly correcting your eyesight, but it works when you do it.
For more information, you can go here.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to Improve Eyesight With 3 Simple Eye Exercises

By Katie Chan Platinum Quality Author
In this article, I will show you how to do three of the most effective eye exercises that I know of. Interestingly, these eye exercises do not have anything to do with your eyes. They mostly improve your brain instead.
Why? Because the organ that truly "sees" is not your eyes. It's you brain. Your eyes are merely windows in which light rays can reach your brain. It is your brain that decodes those light rays into the image that you see now.
Now, the reasons why these eye exercises work is complex and long. Therefore I will not go into the details here. If you would like to know the why, simply visit my website through the link below. Now let's start with the how:
  1. Your imagination is perhaps the most powerful weapon you have in improving your eyesight. Just through imagining clear vision without glasses, you can literally change your brain's neuronal links. This shift in neuronal links can lead to different interpretation of the message your brain is getting from your eyes - and thus improves eyesight.
  2. When you palm, block out all other disruptions. Find a quiet place and place your palms on your eyes - don't press on them. This makes sure no light passes through your eyes so you can fully concentrate on your imagination. In truth, your brain cannot differentiate imagination and reality.
  3. Take a deep breaths when you are imagining. Relax your shoulders and your neck. Make sure you imagine something that relaxes you - perhaps a puppy, a toddler or even a stretch of sandy beach.
If you like to learn MORE eye exercises, simply visit my website for more useful articles. It contains a more detailed explanation and advanced eye exercises that you can try at home.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Contact Lenses - What You Should Know

By Sarah Nabila Platinum Quality Author

With modern inventions a lot of progressive work has been done in the field of Contact lenses, which is a great invention. Some people use lenses as an accessory displaying their personality but most some use them as a cure for weak eyesight. Lenses are available in varieties to be used such as hard lenses, soft lenses, and routines usage lenses. The characteristic of these are:

Hard contacts
The material used in these eye product is inflexible. These eye equipment are available in various bifocal forms for certain conditions of the eye. Some precautions for such lenses that should be taken are:

1. Lenses irritate eyes as contact lenses gets older
2. Eye irritation & dizzy vision are produced while blinking eyes.
3. As time passes, lenses get discolored and feel stiff in the eye.

Now we may discuss some advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses.
1. Various colors are available in lenses as they don't affect their ability to function plus they add buoyancy to deprived vision.
2. It is beneficial to those who work in humid conditions, sports etc.
3. Lenses do not leave any spots on the nose as by glasses.
4. Problems may be created if contact lenses are not replaced with standard time in between.

Soft contacts that are now easily available are:

Daily Disposables
1. These lenses are just to be used for a single day.
2. No need to clean the eye product on a daily basis.
3. These are the best solution for reduction of dry eye, irritation and scheduling as these are best for those who are suffer from allergies to lenses.

Silicone Extended Wear Disposables
1. Silicon Hydro-gel material is used to make the lenses and they are used for a month on a continuous basis.
2. It reduces eye irritations and problems.

Usual wear lenses
1. Contacts take little time to get used to and are more popular now that they come in a variety of colors.
2. Special cleaning solution is available to clean and disinfect.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cheap Contact Lens and Acuvue Color Contacts

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Fashionable New Look With Contact Lens

By Sarah Nabila Platinum Quality Author

There are a lot of ways to look fashionable. Contact lens has paved its way to the public view. These are very fine plastics fitted to eye. They come in colors desired by the one who's about to be fitted. Others wear it to correct some errors of refractions.

Stigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness are some problems that can be resolve by contacts without jumping into the blade. The infamous eyeglasses became a history because of lenses. But there are some who prefer to wear eyeglasses because they can't keep up with the responsibilities accompanied of having a pair of contact lenses.

If there are benefits, of course, there's disadvantages attached to it. The person may manifest unusual sensitivity to light, itching, blurring or even corneal lacerations. It is advised that person wearing contacts to be alert if they have experienced any symptoms. Aside from that, some physical activities are also limited if you're having contact lenses.

Moreover, hanging with your lenses by the pools is an example of physical restriction brought about by having a pair of contact lenses. Daily care for the contact lenses is another burden that the wearer is about to think of. If you're forgetful and lazy to clean your contact lenses, it is not advisable to have it with you because the chance of having an infection is also high. Regular check ups also add up to the responsibility of the wearer.

Benefits still outweighs the disadvantages of having a pair of lenses. Visit an ophthalmologist for complete data regarding contacts. Another best source would be surfing the net. You'll have countless result regarding the trendy lens.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cheap Contact Lens and Acuvue Color Contacts

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Buying Contact Lenses Online - Save Time and Money

By Julie Swinton Platinum Quality Author

There are many benefits to buying contact lenses online. You will almost certainly find that you save money and you will also save time as you don't have to keep going back to your optician every time you need new lenses.

Buying your contact lenses online gives you the opportunity to shop around for the best deals from the comfort of your home. There are lots of discount contact lens offers and lots of places you can buy lenses. Many big supermarkets now offer contact lenses and they will compete with each other to offer you the best price.

If you buy your lenses from an online store you will find that you are getting the same lenses that you would get from your own optician. Even if you are buying a supermarket's own brand, these are usually all made by the same manufacturer and by buying the generic product rather than the brand it is possible to make big savings.

There are plenty of well known online outlets for contact lenses online, so you don't need to compromise on quality. If you are not sure about a website then don't use it. There are enough well known brands offering cheap contact lenses online that you don't need to take risks.

Talking of taking risks, you will usually find that you still need a prescription, even when you are buying lenses online. If you look hard enough you will find somewhere on the web where you don't need a prescription but it really isn't worth the risk. It is usually illegal to sell lenses without a prescription and really, it makes sense to have regular eye check-ups, ensuring that you always have an up to date prescription. Most online suppliers will check with your optician to make sure that your prescription is accurate and up to date so there's really no way round this.

Buying contact lenses online will save you a lot of money and time and give you a much bigger choice.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Alternative Treatments For Cataracts

By Adrienne Smith
What exactly is a cataract?
A cataract is when the eye's lens start becoming cloudy which prevents the eye from focusing on lights, colors, and shapes. This causes images to appear fuzzy or blurred. Cataracts usually happen due to the normal part of the aging process, but cataracts have been known to develop early as a result of disease, trauma to the eye, medications, or exposure to UV light.

Most people aren't aware that there are alternative treatments. We usually are told that the best treatment for cataracts is surgery to remove and replace the cloudy lens. I wish I had been aware of these alternatives before my mother had her cataract surgery.

So what does cataract surgery entail?
A small incision is made in the eye. The cloudy lens is then broken up and removed. A flexible lens replacement is then inserted through the incision and unfolded into place. This lens replacement is referred to as an intraocular lens, or lens implant. Once in place, the lens implant naturally adheres to the eye. In the majority of cases, the eye incision heals on its own. This procedure is usually done as an outpatient and they are free to leave the same day. Recovery entails just resting a little at home.

This process is rather expensive and there is a slight possibility that the cataract will return. It may appear in another area of the same eye or in the other eye.

So do cataracts just come with aging or is there a specific cause?
Although they normally appear with age, there are two main causes of cataracts; stress and health. The majority of people lead pretty stressful lives. Like in my mother's case, my father had cancer for 42 years and he had six surgeries. Being stressed over his health was unavoidable. In my mother's case, it was extremely hard to take the time to relax and not worry about things. The other cause is a poor diet. Eating more foods that are high in cholesterol and carbohydrates and never getting enough vitamins and fruits or vegetables.

If you can learn how to start relaxing more often and eating a more healthy diet, this definitely will help reduce the risk of cataracts. Your diet should consist of more fruits and vegetables and foods that are high in Vitamins A-E. Exercise is very important as well and can help reduce stress and mental strain. It's best to try and find the time to exercise at least five days a week, but if you can do nothing else, take a brisk walk around the block.

Cutting back on your alcohol consumption is another way to improve your health along with cutting out smoking. Try to find some time to just lie outside in the sun for at least 10 to 15 minutes and just close your eyes and relax. Learn to say "no" more often and stop overworking yourself. Don't feel like you have to complete everything on your "to do" list every single day.

Although it's very difficult to rid all stress from your life, try to just relax more often and eat a healthy diet. Talking a walk around the block can be invigorating as well as cutting back in other areas. These small adjustments to your lifestyle can be an overall major improvement on your eyesight in the future.

Adrienne Smith is a work at home business owner and she enjoys helping others find the same success.

Having had poor eyesight herself from many hours of computer work, she was thrilled to learn of these amazing methods that have improved her eyesight. If you would like to learn more about the methods mentioned above, please be sure to visit Vision Without Glasses today.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

How Do You Know If You Are in Need of Eye Surgery?

By John Harry Black
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder- yes; your eyes are a vital pair of sensory organs that the above statement partially describes their purpose.

Eyes are highly sensitive organs that demand a lot of care and attention and it does not require to be told the importance of this visual asset. Of course, individuals cannot determine the requirement of eye surgery, it is the job of an ophthalmologist who are skilled professionals having the license to carry out a surgical procedure on your eyes based on the diagnosis.

When do you need eye surgery?

Eye-surgery has different terminologies such as orogolomistician aka ocular surgery is rather a very complex procedure that requires professional acumen. The most common eye_surgery is the cataract, which is carried out normally on aging people due to the crystalline lens getting cloudy and barring the light to create a clear picture on the retina. Based on the severity of the situation the ophthalmologist will be able to guide you with the suitable surgical procedure. Glaucoma is another medical condition that damages the optic nerve and might result in visual loss but the different glaucoma eye-surgeries can certainly help you to combat the disease.

Then you also have the refractive surgery that will correct the refractory errors in the eye to avoid the use of lenses. The other common kind of eye surgery is Eye muscle surgery that basically alters the strabismus and involves many more corrective measures. Eye-surgery is also performed on repair fractures due to injury, to remove tumours and even as a facelift measure that solely depends on the ophthalmologist to decide the kind of surgery you need based on the problem.

Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik eye-surgery is the gift of science to mankind, as it is efficient in rectifying vision. People with conditions of astigmatism and myopia are largely opting for laser eye - surgery, which has high percentage of positive results and the nature of the surgery itself is simple and painless that draws so much popularity. Lasik is the laser eye_surgery that involves least complicated procedure, which removes the corneal tissue accurately and reshapes the cornea to gain more power while focusing. The Laser eye surgery has broken the conventional barriers of using glasses or lenses as vision corrective measures.

Precautions before eye Surgery

Before going for eye-surgery it is necessary for individuals to disclose to the doctor if they have any infections or allergies so that the existing conditions can be treated first to avoid further complications. Even your physical conditions also play a major role so it is safe to bring to the notice of your ophthalmologist before the eye_surgery so that he can take a suitable decision.

For more information on laser eye surgery and how lasik eye surgery could work for you check the site

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Eye Care After Cataract Surgery and Lens Implants

By Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson
Level: Platinum

Harriet Hodgson has been an Independent Journalist for 30 years. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Association of ... ...
Cataract surgery -- the most performed surgery in the world -- has improved markedly. This surgery has a success rate of more than 97 percent. Still, you need to take good care of your eye or eyes after surgery. The first step is putting in eye drops to prevent infection and control eye pressure.

Your eye or eyes will react to the surgery in several ways. You may have a stinging sensation, an itching sensation, a gritty feeling (your eye feels like there is sand in it), sensitivity to sunlight and bright lights. A Mayo Clinic website article, "Cataract Surgery: What You Can Expect," describes surgery and aftercare. Do not rub your eye or press on it, warns Mayo. You may have a discharge in the corners of your eyes. To remove the discharge wipe your eye gently with a warm wash cloth. Hold the cloth over your eye gently and do not make any pointing motions.

The Cataract Surgery website, in the article "Life After Cataracts: Cataract Surgery Recover Basics," tells patients to take prescribed medicine exactly as the doctor recommended. You can take showers after cataract surgery, the site notes, but keep your eye closed. I had cataract surgery on both eyes and lens implanted in both eyes. When I showered I kept a dry towel close at hand in case I got water or soap in my eyes.

Though my recovery was normal, I had a problem with dry eyes. I have acne rosacea and dry, gritty eyes are a symptom of it. This dryness, combined with the natural itching after cataract surgery, was bothersome, so I used artificial tears several times a day. My eye doctor approved the use of artificial tears, but said I should never use the type that gets the red out.

I also had an odd experience after my second cataract surgery and lens implant. One day, when I was in a hurry, I yanked a t-shirt over my head. I did not know the neck of the t-shit had shrunk, and it scraped against my eyes as I pulled it over my head. Thankfully, my eyes were not hurt. Though I still wear the t-shirt, I stretch the neck a bit before putting it on.

Have you heard of defensive driving? Well, you need to practice defensive living after cataract surgery and a lens implant. Guard your eyes at all times. I found this out after my husband turned over in his sleep, swung his arm over, and barely missed my eye.

Before the surgery I wore prescription sunglasses. Now I do not need them and bought a pair of over-the-counter sunglasses for every day wear. However, I have prescription eye glasses for reading. You can help your eye doctor get the best outcome from cataract surgery and a lens implant by practicing defensive living, using artificial tears if approved, taking your prescribed medicine, and putting in eye drops on schedule.

Today, I have 20/20 in both eyes and the world is a colorful place again. "Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful," Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "for beauty is God's handwriting." God's handwriting has never looked more beautiful.

Copyright 2009 by Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 30 years. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Association of Health Care Journalists, and the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from Amazon.

Centering Corporation in Omaha, Nebraska has published her 26th book, "Writing to Recover: The Journey from Loss and Grief to a New Life." The company has also published a companion resource, the "Writing to Recover Journal," which contains 100 writing prompts.

Please visit Harriet's website and learn more about this busy author and grandmother.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery -- the most performed surgery in the world -- has improved markedly. This surgery has a success rate of more than 97 percent. Still, you need to take good care of your eye or eyes after surgery. The first step is putting in eye drops to prevent infection and control eye pressure.
Your eye or eyes will react to the surgery in several ways. You may have a stinging sensation, an itching sensation, a gritty feeling (your eye feels like there is sand in it), sensitivity to sunlight and bright lights. A Mayo Clinic website article, "Cataract Surgery: What You Can Expect," describes surgery and aftercare. Do not rub your eye or press on it, warns Mayo. You may have a discharge in the corners of your eyes. To remove the discharge wipe your eye gently with a warm wash cloth. Hold the cloth over your eye gently and do not make any pointing motions.
The Cataract Surgery website, in the article "Life After Cataracts: Cataract Surgery Recover Basics," tells patients to take prescribed medicine exactly as the doctor recommended. You can take showers after cataract surgery, the site notes, but keep your eye closed. I had cataract surgery on both eyes and lens implanted in both eyes. When I showered I kept a dry towel close at hand in case I got water or soap in my eyes.
Though my recovery was normal, I had a problem with dry eyes. I have acne rosacea and dry, gritty eyes are a symptom of it. This dryness, combined with the natural itching after cataract surgery, was bothersome, so I used artificial tears several times a day. My eye doctor approved the use of artificial tears, but said I should never use the type that gets the red out.
I also had an odd experience after my second cataract surgery and lens implant. One day, when I was in a hurry, I yanked a t-shirt over my head. I did not know the neck of the t-shit had shrunk, and it scraped against my eyes as I pulled it over my head. Thankfully, my eyes were not hurt. Though I still wear the t-shirt, I stretch the neck a bit before putting it on.
Have you heard of defensive driving? Well, you need to practice defensive living after cataract surgery and a lens implant. Guard your eyes at all times. I found this out after my husband turned over in his sleep, swung his arm over, and barely missed my eye.
Before the surgery I wore prescription sunglasses. Now I do not need them and bought a pair of over-the-counter sunglasses for every day wear. However, I have prescription eye glasses for reading. You can help your eye doctor get the best outcome from cataract surgery and a lens implant by practicing defensive living, using artificial tears if approved, taking your prescribed medicine, and putting in eye drops on schedule.
Today, I have 20/20 in both eyes and the world is a colorful place again. "Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful," Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "for beauty is God's handwriting." God's handwriting has never looked more beautiful.
Copyright 2009 by Harriet Hodgson
Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 30 years. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Association of Health Care Journalists, and the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from Amazon.
Centering Corporation in Omaha, Nebraska has published her 26th book, "Writing to Recover: The Journey from Loss and Grief to a New Life." The company has also published a companion resource, the "Writing to Recover Journal," which contains 100 writing prompts.
Please visit Harriet's website and learn more about this busy author and grandmother.
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