Thursday, October 29, 2009

Laser Eye Surgery Problems - What Are the Risks Involved?

By Jack Worthing Platinum Quality Author
There are many people who think that laser eye surgery is the be all and end all when it comes to solving vision problems. What many people do not know is that many laser eye surgery problems exist and if you are planning to undergo laser treatment for your eyes soon, then you must know the possible laser eye surgery problems that can happen as a result of undergoing this very popular procedure.
Some people think that laser surgery is completely safe, as being promoted by its supporters. It is time that people become aware of the risk involved in this form of treatment so if they ever try it they know what they are getting themselves into.
Below are some of the common laser eye surgery problems that individuals have encountered in the past.
Dry Eyes
This is probably the most common side effect of laser surgery. As the name suggest, having dry eyes means the inability of the eyes to keep themselves moist. This results in irritation and even pain.
The common mode of treatment is to provide external lubrication and moisture to the eyes. Though not really serious, this condition can cause severe discomfort to individuals.
Oversensitivity to Light
Some people who have undergone eye surgery have experienced oversensitivity to light. Suffering from this condition means having difficulties seeing under broad daylight or when exposed to powerful light sources. Driving during the day becomes incredibly difficult for people suffering from oversensitivity to light.
Complete and Irreversible Blindness
The worst thing that can happen to people who will undergo surgery is to completely lose their vision. Laser is a very powerful tool...when used incorrectly, it can cause severe damage to the eyes.
If you're sick and tired of having to use glasses or contact lenses and can't afford the risk and expense of laser eye surgery, then you'd benefit from a natural way to improve eyesight. Take a look at this simple and easy to use guide that has been used successfully for years to treat eyesight problems naturally ==> How To Improve Eyesight

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