Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to Improve Eyesight With 3 Simple Eye Exercises

By Katie Chan Platinum Quality Author
In this article, I will show you how to do three of the most effective eye exercises that I know of. Interestingly, these eye exercises do not have anything to do with your eyes. They mostly improve your brain instead.
Why? Because the organ that truly "sees" is not your eyes. It's you brain. Your eyes are merely windows in which light rays can reach your brain. It is your brain that decodes those light rays into the image that you see now.
Now, the reasons why these eye exercises work is complex and long. Therefore I will not go into the details here. If you would like to know the why, simply visit my website through the link below. Now let's start with the how:
  1. Your imagination is perhaps the most powerful weapon you have in improving your eyesight. Just through imagining clear vision without glasses, you can literally change your brain's neuronal links. This shift in neuronal links can lead to different interpretation of the message your brain is getting from your eyes - and thus improves eyesight.
  2. When you palm, block out all other disruptions. Find a quiet place and place your palms on your eyes - don't press on them. This makes sure no light passes through your eyes so you can fully concentrate on your imagination. In truth, your brain cannot differentiate imagination and reality.
  3. Take a deep breaths when you are imagining. Relax your shoulders and your neck. Make sure you imagine something that relaxes you - perhaps a puppy, a toddler or even a stretch of sandy beach.
If you like to learn MORE eye exercises, simply visit my website for more useful articles. It contains a more detailed explanation and advanced eye exercises that you can try at home.

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