Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The 2 Best Eye Exercises - Improve Vision and Correct Vision Defects Naturally

By Samantha Land Platinum Quality Author
Our eyes allow us to visualize and process images in our brain. This is why eye care is so important, but sometimes we forget how valuable our eyes are. We put a lot of stress and strain on our eyes which causes them to go bad.
When they do go bad many people turn to eye glasses, contact lenses, or even surgery to improve their vision. However some people don't like wearing glasses, some people consider contact lenses to be too uncomfortable, and others are too scared to even think of trying eye surgery.
Thankfully, a number of eye exercises have been developed over the years and they have helped a number of people to improve their vision naturally. Not only do eye exercises help you develop a better vision, but they can also help you correct vision defects as well.
One of these eye exercises you can start performing to improve your vision will only take about 3 minutes of your time. First you need to get in a comfortable position and it doesn't matter if you stand or sit. Now position your thumb about 10 inches from your face and focus on it. Now switch your focus on something else about 20 feet in front of you. Every time you take a deep breath you should switch your focus between both your thumb and the object 20 feet in front of you. This eye exercise will make the muscles in your eyes stronger over time and improve your overall vision.
Another well known eye exercise to improve your vision is referred to as palming. To perform this exercise you first need to take a few deep breaths. Now take the cup of your palm and use it to cover your closed eyes. Your fingers should be on your forehead and the heel of your hand should be resting on your cheekbone. You should be applying moderate pressure so your eyes can still blink freely. Palming is designed to relieve the stress around the eyes and relax them.
These eye exercises may not seem like much but they can make a huge difference. The best part about these eye exercises is the fact that they will only take a few minutes to perform them and you can perform them anywhere.
You can easily have the eyesight you desire using these natural techniques. Don't settle for glasses or contact lenses, and don't take a chance on your eyes with expensive and risky eye surgery.
Discover How To Improve Eyesight Naturally using all natural techniques which have been medically proven to improve your eyesight within a few weeks.
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